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Mykola's Circle.

The cofee Shop at Armenian Street was the Center of Bohemian people and people who thought that they were "bohemian". People were of different age and loved art or loved people of the art, made them close friends. It was a time Soyuz-Appolo warm political climate. I was dying in my provincial Boryslav from pruderies of the shtettle*) mentality. I've taken every opportunity to go to Lviv and meet open-minded people, freely expressing their thoughts.

Mykola was sitting and talking to Dmitrovsky - one of my friends from Drohobych. He was tall and almost skinny. Big (not Ukrainian) almond eyes with asian scull made his face intriguing. Mykola had worn a long military coat, long boots and knitted hat. He was an artist, actually a student from the School of Art. His correct and purified Ukrainian language demonstrated his erudition and intelligence.

Since that time he has become one of the most close my friend. We linked together with our mutual love to our  Galitzian Motherland and its history and culture.

He inspired me to look at the world and it's people under different angles. He was the first who unwillingly pushed me to learn about Khazarian Culture.

Before my escape from the USSR, I possessed the biggest collection of his drawings, paintings and lithographs.

Although the time and distance spreaded out us I go to Mykola's Circle and enjoying being there.


*) shtettle - (yid.) small town

Mykola with his the most wonderful daughters.

You can visit "The Yakovynas' Family"  Personal WEB Exhibition Place