Report on St. Patrick's day
aint Patrick (389?-461?) is known commonly in all of America and Ireland. His birthplace is unknown, but it was probably in southwestern Britain; his British name was Succat. At the age of 16 he was carried off by Irish marauders and passed his captivity as a herdsman near the mountain Slemish in county Antrim (according to tradition) or in county Connacht (Connaught). The young herdsman saw visions in which he was urged to escape, and after six years of slavery he did so, to the northern coast of Gaul. Ordained a priest, possibly by Saint Germanus, at Auxerre, he returned to Ireland. Sometime after 431, Patrick was appointed successor to St. Palladius, first bishop of Ireland. Patrick concentrated on the west and north of Ireland, establishing his see at Armagh. Patrick's two surviving works are written in Latin and demonstrate his acquaintance with the Vulgate translation of the Bible. His reported use of the shamrock as an illustration of the Trinity led to its being regarded as the Irish national symbol. The Trinity is G-d, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. A strange chant of his, called the Lorica, is preserved in the Liber Hymnorum (Book of Hymns), and what purports to have been a hand-bell he used during Mass is shown in the National Museum in Dublin. His traditional feast day is March 17. Here is a picture of himE
very year on March 17, Irish Americans celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day with parades and pageantry. The holiday honors the man who brought Christianity to Ireland in the 5th century. According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three leaves of the shamrock to explain the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Leprechauns, a mythical race of elves who bestow their hidden treasure on anyone, who can catch them, symbolize the famous "luck of the Irish."
he shamrock was originally chosen as the national emblem of Ireland because of the legend that Saint Patrick used the plant to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. Most shamrocks, particularly the small-leafed white clover, have been considered by the Irish as good-luck symbols since earliest times, and this superstition has persisted in modern times among people of many nationalities. Celebrants wear shamrocks or various representations of the plant on St. Patrick's Day, March 17 of each year. The hop clover is widely accepted as the original shamrock picked by St. Patrick.I
am a Jew and Jewish so I find no common relation with this holiday. I still respect it though. I do not know why my social studies teacher almost cornered me into betraying my people and family heritage. She said to us that if you wear green tomorrow you have no homework and even if you are not Irish it is okay because "everybody is Irish on St. Patrick's day. I believed that until my father told me that was bogus. I can live with the respect to all the religious holidays unless somebody tries to force me to celebrate them even if I know it is not right. I t would have been okay if my teacher did every other holiday like Kwanza or Hanukah, Chinese New Year or Ramadan (it is a spring Muslim holiday) but teacher didn't so, that doesn't make what she did okay.